Special Programs Produced by Christina Haskin

Corporations Are Not People

A talk by Jeff Clements on the Impact of the Citizen's United Decision and the Movement to Overturn the Ruling by a Constitutional Amendment.

This program will be broadcast on Cablevision's Channel 88 as a Special One Hour Program. Air Dates: December 20th, 2012 at 8pm and December 27th, 2012 at 8pm.

Filmed and Edited by Christina Haskin
Music by Paul Van Acker

Jeff Clements, attorney and author of the book Corporations Are Not People,
and Co-Founder and President of Free Speech for People www.freespeechforpeople.org spoke at the Westport Town Hall, Sept. 12th, 2012. 

Jeff Clements' Book
  The Event was sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Westport.  Jeff Clements talked about the profound impact the Supreme Court Citizens United Decision will have on our democracy, and the rights of American citizens.  He explained the history leading up to this decision and the current movement to overturn this ruling by an amendment to the constitution.  His organization Free Speech for People and other citizen's organizations are working to get the necessary support to achieve this historic amendment.  He discusses the movement's progress and educates  the public about what they can do to help enact this important change to our current law.

I filmed this event and have edited part of it to accomodate a one hour special that
will be broadcast this December 20th and 27th at 8:00pm of Cablevision Channel 88.

About Jeff Clements

Jeff Clements speaking at the Westport Town Hall in CT on Citizen's United , one of 5 parts on youtube.

Jeff Clements, an attorney and author, is the president and co-founder of Free Speech for People, a national, non-partisan campaign to challenge the creation of Constitutional rights for corporations, overturn Citizens United v. FEC, and strengthen American democracy and republican self-government. He is the author of the Corporations Are Not People (Berrett-Koehler, 2012). Mr. Clements, an attorney, has represented and advocated for people, businesses and the public interest since 1988. Mr. Clements served as Assistant Attorney General and Chief of the Public Protection & Advocacy Bureau in the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office from early 2007 to 2009. As Bureau Chief, he led more than 100 attorneys and staff in law enforcement and litigation in the areas of civil rights, environmental protection, healthcare, insurance and financial services, antitrust and consumer protection. Mr. Clements also served as an Assistant Attorney General in Massachusetts from 1996 to 2000, where he worked on litigation against the tobacco industry and handled a wide range of other investigations and litigation to enforce unfair trade practice, consumer protection and antitrust laws. In private practice, Mr. Clements has been a partner in the Boston law firms of Clements & Clements, LLP and Mintz Levin. He also has practiced in Maine, where he has represented clients in a variety of appeals and litigation, and in investigations and prosecutions by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Maine Attorney General’s Office. In the 1990s, Mr. Clements was elected as a Trustee and President of the Board of Trustees of the Portland Water District, a public agency responsible for protecting and delivering safe drinking water and ensuring proper treatment of wastewater for 160,000 people in Portland and South Portland, Maine and several surrounding communities. He was a co-founder, officer, and director of Friends of Casco Bay, an environmental advocacy organization focused on protection and stewardship of Maine’s Casco Bay. He also has served as a Trustee and President of the Board of The Waldorf School in Lexington, Massachusetts. Mr. Clements graduated with distinction in History and Government from Colby College in 1984, and magna cum laude with a concentration in Public Law from the Cornell Law School in 1988. He lives in Concord, Massachusetts with his wife and three children

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