Monday, March 9, 2015

Interview with Dr. Ming Wu, about QiGong

Dr Ming Wu
My guest Dr Ming Wu, a doctor of Chinese Medicine, a third generation Cinese Herbalist , Master QiGong and Tai Chi practitioner enlightened me about the philosophy of Chinese Medicine and the health benefits of practicing of Qi Gong. He demonstrated some of the beautiful movements of QiQong.  

Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. The word Qigong (Chi Kung) is made up of two Chinese words. Qi is pronounced chee and is usually translated to mean the life force or vital-energy that flows through all things in the universe.
The second word, Gong, pronounced gung, means accomplishment, or skill that is cultivated through steady practice. Together, Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy, it is a system practiced for health maintenance, healing and increasing vitality.
Qigong is an integration of physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intentions.
Qigong practices can be classified as martial, medical, or spiritual. All styles have three things in common: they all involve a posture, (whether moving or stationary), breathing techniques, and mental focus. Some practices increase the Qi; others circulate it, use it to cleanse and heal the body, store it, or emit Qi to help heal others. Practices vary from the soft internal styles such as Tai Chi; to the external, vigorous styles such as Kung Fu. However, the slow gentle movements of most Qigong forms can be easily adapted, even for the physically challenged and can be practiced by all age groups.


Dr. Ming Wu, Founder, AOBTA-CP. Ph.D. is a doctor of Chinese Medicine, a third generation Chinese Herbalist, Master Tai Chi and Qi Gong practitioner.
He has studied Tai Chi and Qi Gong in China and US for more then 40 years. He has studied Tong Ren Therapy with Master Tom Tam since 1994. He has received authentic Yang Style Tai Chi instruction from his Sifu Grandmaster, Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. Dr. Ming Wu has been teaching Tai Chi and Qi Gong in the US for over 20 years. He has dedicated his life to healing and teaching others how to live healthy and healing lives.

Qi Gong is an integral element of Dr. Wu's healing practice and is supported by his years of research in energy, medicine, and meditation.
His practice is the in West Hartford.

 45 South Main Street, Suite 100, West Hartford, CT



Interview with Nick Mancini Author and Organic Gardener

                                                      Nick Mancini Author, Organic Gardener

I have grown to appreciate and enjoy organic food and was delighted to talk with an expert
organic gardener and author Nick Mancini, whose mission it is to spread his expertise and knowledge with the public.
He is book"THE COMPLETE ORGANIC GARDEN" is an encyclopedia of information on organic gardening. Nick grew up in Italy and learned at a very young age the joy of natural food from your garden. He life is now dedicated to organic gardening and his purpose is to share his knowledge about the wonderful benefits of organic gardening and planting and preserving heirloom seeds, Nick frequently gives classes and talks in libraries on organic gardening.

I visited Nick's organic garden in Westport CT to film him at work in his garden.  I got to
sample some of his heirloom tomatoes and one can say there is nothing like them-
a real treat and no pesticides to worry about.  His natural methods to tame pests provide
an efficient and safe way to allow his produce to grow to full and delicious ripeness.
His is very careful to make sure seeds have not been cross contaminated by genetically
modified seeds.

                                                          Nick in his Westport garden



Nick is an author, teacher, lecturer, garden consultant and coach. A certified Master Gardener, he specializes in organic vegetables, fruits and brambles. He teaches organic gardening at Norwalk Community College and for Fairfield and Westport Continuing Education. He has lectured to the CT Northeast Organic Farmers Association, garden clubs, horticultural societies and libraries throughout Connecticut and the New York Metro area. Mancini is a member of the Connecticut Master Gardeners Association, CT NOFA, Connecticut Community Garden Association and the Westport Community Garden.




Thursday, March 5, 2015

Interview with Felicia Drury Kliment on the Subconcious and her new book

Felicia Drury Kliment

My guest, Felicia Drury Kliment, author, of The Subconscious Your Port in The Storm chatted with me about the mysteries of the subconcious and how the hidden mind can be a great help and protective guide in steering you through life's storms.
Felicia and I explored the depths of the subscious and it's effects on the lives of people.In our conversation the author gives examples of the impact the subscious has in changing the life stories of ordinary people. Ms. Kliment deferentiates the conscious mind and the subconcious, reveals how to gain deeper access to your subconcious mind and explains how to delve into it's power when a life choice requires an important decision that demands more than a rational assestment. She shares tips on how you can access your subconscious's inner knowledge to find answers to life's challenges and brings to light the power of one's own subconscious to be your best friend.

About her Book - The Subconscious Your Port in The Storm
"Life is a constant process of growth in which you evaluate what you've done, note your mistakes, make necessary adjustments, reevaluate and start all over again. Throughout this cycle, the "person" that can help you out the most is within you-your subconscious. In the Subconcious, author Felicia Drury Kliment brings to light the undiscovered aspects of the subconcious, considering why it's judgement is wiser thatn that of the conscious mind and under whatr circumstances the subconscious is likely to transmit its advice. Sharing enlightening stories of how people have found ways to use their subconscious, this study seeks to help you find your life's partner, select the career your're meant for, succeed in the workplace, let you know when your fears are groundless, improve your speaking and writing skills, and elilminate depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive discorders. Kliment shares the amazing power of the subconsciuos and shows how you can open up your mind to take in all the inklings of advice it sends you, grasp their menaing and then act upon them. " Kliment


Felicia Drury Kliment was an adjunct professor at the City College of the City University of New York where she taught courses in the Psychology of the Special Needs Child. She based them on her teaching experience in public schools in Harlem, New York, and later wrote about them in magazines and academic journals. Her landmark paper on the subject, “Beyond Psychoanalysis,” was published in the distinguished journal, The Clearing House.
Kliment then took a detour and wrote two popular books for McGraw-Hill about nutrition and diet. The best-seller The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet was published in 2002; thanks to popular demand, a second edition was published in 2010. Eat Right for Your Metabolism, a book of recipes corresponding to the first book,was published in 2006.
Right after that, Kliment returned to her lifelong interest in the subconscious, leading to the publication of this book in 2014. It took her years to write because, unlike so many writers of nonfiction, she didn't put the book together out of second-hand material. The book originated from her life experiences and those of her family and friends, though she did read widely in search of literary, scientific, and biographical stories showing the subconscious at work. As a result, the book portrays the subconscious, not in stodgy academic terms, but through the lives of those who have benefited from it. It is truly a collaboration between Kliment’s conscious and subconscious minds.

For more information

Christina Haskin youtube channel
Interview Video  Part One Part Two