Upcoming Program
I chatted with Leslie Mueller a talented multi-dimensional artist. She talked about her process in creativing mix media pieces uses natural elemens. She
credited some of her artisitc inspiration to her travels, especially Japan, and talked about how those experiences influenced her work. Being multi- talented, Leslie is also the creator and host of the Channel 88 Cablevision Public Access show "Art & Style".
The interview with Leslie Mueller airs on Cablevision Channel 88 on Tuesday July 2nd at 9pm and Thursday at 5:30pm. The broadcast repeats on subsequent Tuesdays and Thursdays until July 18th.
Leslie Mueller displaying her multi-dimensional artwork in a wonderful frame |
Collage by Leslie Mueller |
Mixed Media work using natural materails by Leslie Mueller |
Painting by Leslie Mueller |
Logo of Leslie Mueller's Cablevision Show ART & STYLE |
CONTACT INFO: www.lesliemuellerdesign.com/w