Current Program

Director Claire Kelly |
I interviewed the new director of this summer's Shakespeare on the Sound's production of "As You Like It". She brings a fresh perspective to this summer's production. We discussed "As You Like It" and the interview can give viewers a sense of the joys and merits of one of Shakespeare most likable plays, a comedy that is about love and transformation.
Each year I look forward to this cultural event and Shakespeare on the Sound's fine professional productions of the Bard's timeless plays. I enjoy the ambient experience of picniking in the outdoors on the banks of the beautiful Connecticut sound under the stars with friends and watching quality actors sighting the brililant lines of this most masterful playright. It seems the choice of play always coincides with something that applies to my current life and I always walk away from the evening that much wiser.
The interview will air on Cablevision's Channel 88 on Tuesday May 28th at 9pm and Thursday, May 30th at 5:30pm.The broadcast will repeat on subsequent Tuesdays and Thursdays at the above times until June 27th.
About Claire Kelly
Claire has worked at Shakespeare on the Sound for the past three years as the Director of Youth Programs. She has also worked at the Guthrie Theater, the Roundabout Theater, the Shakespeare Theater of New Jersey, and the Ordway Music Theater among others. Most recently Claire directed Shakespeare on the Sound’s acclaimed anti-bullying program "Speaking Daggers." Claire is also a Teaching Artist and has taught theater to students from pre-school through high school. Claire served as Director of Drama at Proctor Academy in New Hampshire. Additionally, Claire has worked in the theater as an actor, producer, and in several areas of arts management. She has a Masters of Arts degree from New York University

Poster for this season's play
Performances take place in Pinkney Park, Rowayton (177 Rowayton Avenue) in Norwalk. JUNE 13th through JUNE 30th at 7:30pm except of Mondays This is about a 10 minute walk from the Rowayton Train Station. Parking in Rowayton is at Witch Field, 2 Witch Lane or at the Rowayton School Parking lot, about a 6 minute walk from the park. Come early and place you blanket in the park.
"Musical Director, Brian Feinstein and cast of Shakespeare on the Sound's Production of "As You Like It"
Blueprint for the Set in the Round in Pinkney Park Rowayton for "As You Like It"

Library Programs for adults on "As You Like It"
Dr. Mark Schenker, Associate Dean of Yale University will give a lecture on
understanding Shakespeare's "As You Like It" at several local llibraries.
Westport Library: Wednesday June 5th 7:30pm
New Caanan Library, Thursday June 6th, 7pm
Rowayton LIbrary Friday June 6th 7pm
Darien Library, Thursday June 13th at 7pm
A discussion of "As You Like It" with Dr. Schenker.
Mark Schenker
Mark J. Schenker has been at Yale College since 1990. He is currently an associate dean of the College and dean of academic affairs. Born and raised in New York City, he received his Ph.D. in English Literature from Columbia University and has taught at Columbia, New York University, and Trinity College (Hartford). He has led book discussion series in public libraries in Connecticut for over twenty years through programs sponsored by the Connecticut Humanities Council and lectures frequently on literary topics for public audiences. He was the recipient of the 2001 Wilbur Cross Award for Outstanding Humanities Scholar, presented by the Connecticut Humanities
There are charming food markets in walking distance from the park where you can grab some delicacies for your picnic under the stars.

Brendans 101
Rowayton Market
Rowayton Pizza
William Shakespeare
"All the World's A Stage"