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Felicia Drury Kliment, Author, Nutrionist and Alternative Health Counselor |
Christina Haskin. Producer/Host
About Acidic Wastes
Acidic wastes from processed food and chemical additives have detrimental effects on the human body. When acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction, causing degenerative diesease. The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet has helped thousands of people restore overall health by showing how to balance the body's acid-alkaline to detoxify toxins based on metabolic type. This edition has now been fully revised and updated with new information on heavy metal foods, alternative treatments and supplements and continues to provide an easy-to-follow food combination and herbal therapy regimen.
"What triggered my book writing and health consulting was an ailment I had developed, acid reflux. My knowledge of chemistry had made me aware that the body consists most basically of acid and alkaline particles. Their balance is vital not only to good health but to survival itself. Acid reflux increases the levels of acid in the body, thereby disrupting the acid-alkaline pH of the blood. I set about working out a diet that would heal acid reflux and other degenerative disease, thereby restoring the normal ratio of the acid alkaline ph balances in the body. Then I wrote a book about it, the Acid Alkaline Balance Diet" felicia quote in Interview blogcritics.org
Concern with acid alkaline imbalance stretches way back to the late nineteenth century. However, the idea that acid waste can disrupt the acid-alkaline pH balances in the body has evolved fairly recently, in the last 25 years or so. German and Japanese scientists came to the conclusion that the acid wastes from metabolic (organ) function was the cause of pH imbalances. I have taken the problem a step further by pinpointing the wrong diet as the principal culprit in the production of acid waste in the body.
Food that the individual can’t break down in the digestive tract turns into acid waste, which is highly toxic. The blood stream carries it to all parts of the body and wherever acid waste settles, it inflames organ tissue. This is how degenerative diseases get started.
"All health issues, including obesity can be resolved if you eat according to your metabolic type. There are three types of metabolisms: the grain eater, the meat eater, and the omnivore (meat and grain) eater.
Acid Alkaline Balance Diet" felicia quote in Interview blogcritics.org
"What triggered my book writing and health consulting was an ailment I had developed, acid reflux. My knowledge of chemistry had made me aware that the body consists most basically of acid and alkaline particles. Their balance is vital not only to good health but to survival itself. Acid reflux increases the levels of acid in the body, thereby disrupting the acid-alkaline pH of the blood. I set about working out a diet that would heal acid reflux and other degenerative disease, thereby restoring the normal ratio of the acid alkaline ph balances in the body. Then I wrote a book about it, the Acid Alkaline Balance Diet" felicia quote in Interview blogcritics.org
Concern with acid alkaline imbalance stretches way back to the late nineteenth century. However, the idea that acid waste can disrupt the acid-alkaline pH balances in the body has evolved fairly recently, in the last 25 years or so. German and Japanese scientists came to the conclusion that the acid wastes from metabolic (organ) function was the cause of pH imbalances. I have taken the problem a step further by pinpointing the wrong diet as the principal culprit in the production of acid waste in the body.
Food that the individual can’t break down in the digestive tract turns into acid waste, which is highly toxic. The blood stream carries it to all parts of the body and wherever acid waste settles, it inflames organ tissue. This is how degenerative diseases get started.
"All health issues, including obesity can be resolved if you eat according to your metabolic type. There are three types of metabolisms: the grain eater, the meat eater, and the omnivore (meat and grain) eater.
Acid Alkaline Balance Diet" felicia quote in Interview blogcritics.org
Based on Eastern medicinal practices, The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet advocates a sensible food-combination program in conjunction with herbal medicine therapies to balance the positively charged acidic particles in the body with the negatively charged particles. This simple plan can aid in curing a wide range of medical problems including:
-lung disorders
-kidney disease
-and much more
-lung disorders
-kidney disease
-and much more
Organized by medical condition, this book makes it easy to quickly find the help and advice you need. There's also a practical test you can administer to help determine your metabolic type: grain eating, meat eating, or balanced.
"Anyone wanting to slim down while staying healthy and balanced will find this book a perfect pathway of information, insight, and support. Each chapter focuses on common problems, from indigestion to disease, to provide uncommon solutions that work. Anecdotes help those who struggle with these issues to know they are not alone. This book is one of the best guides to getting rid of excess fat and achieving a new lease on life."
-Stevanne Auerbach, Ph.D., author of Dr. Toy's Smart Play: How to Raise a Child with a High PQ
From the Back Cover
Uncover the Secret to Better Health and Wellness
Modern agriculture and food-preservation methods have done serious damage to the human diet. The detrimental effects on the human body caused by acidic wastes from processed food and chemical additives are myriad. Byproducts of the foods we eat, acidic wastes are the common denominator in all degenerative diseases. When acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction and degenerate. Balancing the body's acid-alkaline pH factor is a dynamic way to improve health. The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet explores this exciting new treatment in alternative medicine.
Based on Eastern medicinal practices, The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet advocates a sensible food-combination program in conjunction with herbal medicine therapies to balance the positively charged acidic particles in the body with the negatively charged particles. This simple plan can aid in curing a wide range of medical problems including arthritis, insomnia, alcoholism, lung disorders, kidney disease, and much more. Organized by medical condition, this book makes it easy to quickly find the help and advice you need. There's also a practical test you can administer to help determine your metabolic type: grain eating, meat eating, or balanced.
Forget the traditional notions of a well-balanced diet; for many, this well-balanced diet is the cause of various illnesses. Here at last are alternatives for those who have used the "four food groups" strategy of nutrition but still ended up with health problems. Discover how The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet will help you lead a healthier, longer life.
Modern agriculture and food-preservation methods have done serious damage to the human diet. The detrimental effects on the human body caused by acidic wastes from processed food and chemical additives are myriad. Byproducts of the foods we eat, acidic wastes are the common denominator in all degenerative diseases. When acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction and degenerate. Balancing the body's acid-alkaline pH factor is a dynamic way to improve health. The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet explores this exciting new treatment in alternative medicine.
Based on Eastern medicinal practices, The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet advocates a sensible food-combination program in conjunction with herbal medicine therapies to balance the positively charged acidic particles in the body with the negatively charged particles. This simple plan can aid in curing a wide range of medical problems including arthritis, insomnia, alcoholism, lung disorders, kidney disease, and much more. Organized by medical condition, this book makes it easy to quickly find the help and advice you need. There's also a practical test you can administer to help determine your metabolic type: grain eating, meat eating, or balanced.
Forget the traditional notions of a well-balanced diet; for many, this well-balanced diet is the cause of various illnesses. Here at last are alternatives for those who have used the "four food groups" strategy of nutrition but still ended up with health problems. Discover how The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet will help you lead a healthier, longer life.
About the Author
Felicia Drury Kliment (New York, NY) is a nutritionist and alternative health consultant. She was an adjunct professor at City College of the City University of New York. Kliment's articles have been widely published in journals. Kliment's research on how the philosophy of yin (acid) and yang (alkaline) became the basis of Chinese medicine, published in the International Journal of Comparative Religion and Philosophy.
Website for Ms. Kliment