Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Interview with Dr. Mark Breiner on Holistic Dentistry

Current Program

Dr. Mark Breiner, DDS and Author

I am interested in discovering more about natural and holistic for my self and my families
health and well being and sharing this information with the community.  I believe that understanding more about ways to improve your health naturally empowers one to be more motivated in maintaining and improving their own health.I was curious about the role dental health plays in your overall health and invited Dr. Mark Breiner.a renowned Dentist who pracitices holistic dentistry to be my guest. He is the author of Whole body Dentistry and  very wonderful and comprehensive book on the importance of the mouth and the rest of your body.

Dr. Breiner's Book, New Edition

The interview is now playing on Cablevision Channel 88 on Tuesday October 23rd, at 9:00pm and Thursday, October 25th at 5:30pm. It will be broadcast on Tuesday and Thursdays at the above times through December 14th.

Dr. Breiner's  practice is Breiner Whole-Body Health Center  http://www.wholebodymed.com/